
this shit called def---squad proceed to rock your project

I was going thru comments on the unkut.com blog and ran across a topic concerning keith murray and redman live shows... haha the read is funny...
Keith Murray, Redman and Jamal did a concert in Waukegan IL back in the mid 90s. There hadn’t beena hip hop show of that caliber in town in a long time so it was a pretty big deal (all the shows go to chicago). I remember I was at work at Target the night before the show and on my walkie talkie I hear all sorts of security calls and I’m like “what the hell is going on”. I walk around and see this three dudes who are on some “new york shit” and then I’m like “whoa” that’s Redman. I had just interviewed early that year so I went up and spoke to him (and let security know they could chill out).

Anyway, ath the show the head security was on some serious b.s.. He was being over aggressive with how he was checking people coming the door, he was yelling at everybody and just trying to exert his “i’m in charge” attitude. I caught him a few time raising his voice to red, keith, and jamal. This went on all night so all those dudes were in bad moods. When they went on stage something went wrong in the front row, I couldn’t see cause I always play the back. Next thing I know Keith Murray drops his mic and swings his mic stand in to the crowd. That starts an all out riot. People are fighting everywhere. Girls are running and screaming. Police come spraying tear gas….it was a mess.

All I remember though is a point thru all the chaos seeing Redman sort of 1/2 way running and fighting his way thru a crowd of people from the police and I swear he is laughing and I’m like, “this dude is crazy”…ha.

We never had another rap concert in waukegan again (with any major artists) or least not for long time. That skating rink closed soon after from a ongoing series of fights.

Comment by kevin beacham 11.08.07 @


Red and Keith were supposed to do a concert in Toronto at the old Varsity Arena downtown in the mid nineties too… As it went we were chilling backstage with Red and Kieth - we had brought the bomb weed for them so they was cool with us, next thing you know right before the show the promotor comes back on some BS and tells them he only has half the money up front and they will get the rest after the show - well Red and Kieth flipped, they went out on stage told the fans there owuld be no concert because the promotor was BS and then proceeded to insoght a riot - Red was trashing the lights and DJ equipment on stage, one of the promotors security guys tried to confront him - he was a pretty big dude too, and Red punched him right in the face with the mic! it was bananas… ANyway a riot broke out people were running everywhere and no concert happened… I left with some of my boys but I found out some of the dudes I know had found Redman and Kieth and they had taken them out for a night in the T-Dot - ofcourse they spent nuff cash on weed to keep them happy but it was worth it to hang with Redman and Murray for a nite… I miss those days…

Comment by Backtrack 11.08.07 @

source: unkut.com

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